Eurosurg adopts a successful ‘mini-team’ approach in its structure. Project development will be managed by a core steering committee, which will be in charge of drafting a study protocol, overall management of the study and writing up a paper for publication. Data collection will be performed at hospitals where medical students are attached to.

Mini teams
Data collection will be in teams of 2 or 3, consisting of medical students and at least one junior doctor (FY1 to consultant grade). They will be supervised by a senior consultant throughout the data collection period. Depending on the length of the data collection period there may be a number of mini teams working on the project.
Local leads
The local lead will be in charge of organizing students and doctors into mini teams and will be responsible for the smooth running of the project in a medical school. They will be in charge of ensuring as many hospitals which students are attached to participate in the study. They will also be a first point of contact for the mini teams.
Regional leads – National Collaboratives
The Regional lead ensures the overall running of the project in their country. They will be responsible for coordinating with local leads to ensure the project is running well in each medical school and troubleshooting if need be. They will also update the steering committee on the progress of the project.