This page includes the most common questions regarding REDCap. For more details please find REDCap supporting information in COMPASS Study Hub or contact us at

REDCap – link to enter the project

  • Where do I enter to REDCap with my login and password?

REDCap – Inclusion of collaborators’ data

Please, follow the links below to find a detailed guide and video on how to do so.

REDCap guide – How to upload collaborators details REDCap video – How to upload collaborators details

REDCap Login/Password questions

  • I do not have received the REDCap login/password?

All information inputted onto REDCap should be anonymous. Please do not include any data that may directly identify a patient in the database.

Firstly, please check if you have already been contacted as local lead and/ or your local lead has already included your details on Local Lead REDCap form.

Please check in the spam folder – The subject of the email Is: “RedCAP access granted” comes from the University of Birmingham

  • How other members/collaborators from my hospital will receive a login?

Local Lead must complete collaborators’ details and upload ethical approval or study registration on Local Lead form in REDCap.

REDCap Data inclusion

  • REDCap data collection – How do I upload data?
REDCap data collection guide
  • Can I store a patient’s hospital number directly onto REDCap?

All information inputted onto REDCap should be anonymous. Please do not include any data that may directly identify a patient in the database.