Mini-team questions
- Could a mini-team be formed by four collaborators?
A mini-team is usually formed by two or a maximum of three collaborators. Exceptionally, a fourth member would be acceptable in centres where a large volume of patients is expected and this should previously be accepted by the EuroSurg Management group.
- Could a mini-team start to collect data if they are still waiting for ethical approval at their centre?
No. It is not accepted to start collecting data without formal study approval. If there are problems with seeking study approval, please seek advice from your local lead or your national management committee.
Data collection questions
- A laparoscopic colorectal cancer procedure, in which the incision is enlarged to deliver a specimen. What is the type of procedure?
This procedure is considered to be laparoscopic, assisted.
- What is the difference between laparoscopic-assited and laparoscopic-open approach?
Surgeries considered as laparoscopic assisted are those where most of the operation is completed laparoscopically but a small open incision is planned to be used to extract the resected bowel. Often the anastomosis is done through this incision too.
Laparoscopic converted (to open) are cases intended to be done completely laparoscopically but due to technical difficulty during operation, a decision is made to convert to open procedure.
- The patient did not have a CRP or recent preoperative laboratory measurement. How do I find this information?
It is acceptable to include the most recent measurements within 30 days of surgery. If this is not available, please record this data as unavailable by using code “9999”. It will not count towards missing data in this instance. Please note that this applies only to this data field, and this code should not be used for other data fields unless agreed by the Management Committee.
- A patient readmitted to the hospital after discharge during the 30-day follow up period. Should these extra days be considered in calculating their total length of stay?
If a patient is discharged, this should be considered as the end of the patient’s hospital stay. Although patients may be readmitted, it may be for entirely different reasons.
- What should be included as indication (primary underlying pathology) of an ileostomy or colostomy closure?
It should be included as stoma closure.
- What if the ASA score is not available in the patients’ hospital information?
You should calculate yourself by using the ASA score, examples available here
Closing COMPASS study
- What is the role of the data validator?
The role of the data validator is to ensure accurate and reliable data collection. Specific approaches on how to do this may be found in the COMPASS Validator Protocol. The data validator should collect data independently from the main team.